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Civil Engineering

Decorative image for Marks Engineering's Civil Engineering services

Marks Engineering, P.C. offers a range of Civil Engineering services. Civil Engineering is the design, construction and maintenance of the naturally and physical built environment. We will help you plan your project starting with a free estimate that includes overall feasibility and scope of work. We will also ensure to provide an engineer’s estimate so your project can stay within your budget. Please note, dealing with municipalities and other governmental agencies can be unpredictable. At times they may require something that is beyond the typical requirements, and they may also delay approval of projects. Marks Engineering will be there every step of the way to help you manage through the complexities and challenges of receiving necessary permits and approvals. Some of our services include:



  • Foundation and structural design
  • Structural integrity consultations
  • Building restoration planning
  • Code compliance


  • Treatment, storage & distribution


  • Collection
  • Conveyance/Utility Extension
  • On-site treatment
  • Sewer rehabilitation
  • Septic systems


  • Conveyance
  • Stormwater management facilities & practices
  • SWPPP inspections
  • Drainage studies


  • Roadway & street design
  • Parking lots


  • Construction inspection/observation
  • Stormwater inspections


  • Environmental site assessment
  • Environment remediation planning
  • Health and safety compliance
  • SEQR approval process
  • Removal and replacement of petroleum UST and fueling systems
  • Hazardous waste/contaminated materials assessments
  • Spill closure reports/site management plans
  • Geologic and hydrogeologic investigation & interpretation
  • Design of corrective actions and/or remedial measures
  • Construction management, facility expansion and demolition
  • Preparation of facility environmental registrations and permits
  • Department of Transportation hazardous materials/waste shipping compliance
  • Mining permits

Land Surveying

Decorative image for Marks Engineering's Land Surveying services

Marks Engineering, P.C. provides land surveying services to all of Ontario county and Yates county. In 2017, Freeland-Parrinello Land Surveyors became a part of the Marks Engineering team. With over 30 years of surveying experience, we specialize in residential and commercial boundary, topographic and mortgage surveys. Listed below are details of the services we offer:

  • BOUNDARY - Used to identify a property's boundary lines. Entails research, field visits, acquiring measurements and performing calculations.
  • TOPOGRAPHIC - A topographic survey includes field measurement and preparation of a plat to establish land elevations.
  • SUBDIVISION - A survey of the exterior boundaries of the land parcel which is to be divided. It is then followed by a topographic survey, subdivision design and layout.
  • AS-BUILT - Used to show a property in its current state - whether during or after the construction of a project.
  • STAKEOUT - A stakeout involves driving wooden stakes into the ground to identify the location of designed improvements.
  • ALTA – A detailed land parcel map, showing all existing improvements of the property, utilities, and significant observations within the insured estate.

Landscape Architecture

Decorative image for Marks Engineering's Landscape Architecture services

Marks Engineering, P.C. offers Landscape Architecture services including large scale property master planning, park and recreation area design, streetscape design, and high-end residential and commercial landscape design. Our landscape architecture services encompass all planning and design work integral to creating outdoor spaces used in the public and private domain.


  • High-end residential and commercial
  • Native and ornamental plant selection
  • Natural stone hardscapes
  • Streetscapes
  • Rain gardens
  • Parks and recreation areas


  • Photometric and Point-Pilot Layouts
  • Dark sky compliant designs


  • Property analysis
  • Subdivisions


  • Renderings
  • 3D Modeling


  • Aerial mapping of ROW
  • Visual graphics
  • Native planting plans
  • Program management